Stellaris Console Snippets

See planet size of targeted planet

trigger planet_size = trigger:planet_size

Find the biggest barren planet within your borders

Useful to decide what to use Azaryn's power on. If you want to find more, change the number in position = 0.

effect ordered_planet_within_border = { limit = { planet_size > 25 is_planet_class = pc_barren NOT = { has_modifier = "terraforming_candidate" } } position = 0 order_by = trigger:planet_size inverse = no set_variable = { which = Size_Of_Planet value = trigger:planet_size } custom_tooltip = "[This.GetName] is an Azaryn candidate, in system [This.System.GetName]" } }

Find hidden presapients in your empire

You may see the notification for Unspent Trait Points but be unable to find the species on your empire screen, nor on your species screen, nor on any of your colonies. This is because presapients on planets within your borders spawn the notification even if you do not have the body colonized, and they can even spawn on barren planets which hides the Population tab entirely.

Use this to find them (it is two lines – just paste in to the console):

effect space_owner = { every_planet_within_border = { limit = { is_colony = no } every_owned_species = { limit = { is_archetype = PRESAPIENT } custom_tooltip = "in system [Prev.System.GetName]
" } } }

Choose L-Cluster outcome

Do this any time before actually opening the cluster.

First, check which it is (source: Stellaris Wiki):

effect switch = { trigger = has_global_flag
  gray_goo_crisis_set   = { custom_tooltip = "Gray Tempest"}
  dragon_season     = { custom_tooltip = "L-Drake" }
  gray_goo_empire_set   = { custom_tooltip = "Dessanu Consonance" }
  default               = { custom_tooltip = "Gray" }

Next, choose a different one:

Gray Tempest:

effect remove_global_flag = dragon_season remove_global_flag = gray_goo_empire_set set_global_flag = gray_goo_crisis_set


effect set_global_flag = dragon_season remove_global_flag = gray_goo_empire_set remove_global_flag = gray_goo_crisis_set


effect remove_global_flag = dragon_season set_global_flag = gray_goo_empire_set remove_global_flag = gray_goo_crisis_set

Gray chance:

effect remove_global_flag = dragon_season remove_global_flag = gray_goo_empire_set remove_global_flag = gray_goo_crisis_set

Spawn G-type star if the system is missing a star

Click something in the system first. If the system is completely empty, then fly a ship there first and click it.

effect solar_system =  { spawn_planet = { class = "star"  size = { min = 25 max = 30 }  orbit_distance = 0   orbit_angle = 1 init_effect = { change_pc = pc_g_star set_name = "Perfectly Normal Star" }  }  }

Set dominant species to your most populous sentient species

Bug report here.

effect owner = { ordered_owned_species = { limit = { is_same_species = root.owner_main_species can_think = yes is_sapient = yes } order_by = trigger:count_species_pop position = 0 save_global_event_target_as = species_to_change } }  owner = { change_dominant_species = { species = event_target:species_to_change change_all = yes } }

Allow construction of fallen empire Sky Dome building

effect owner = { change_variable = { which = skydome_build_count value = 1 } }

Spawn random new system in the rimward direction

Target something in the system you want it to be near first.

effect solar_system = { spawn_system = { min_distance = 1 max_distance = 10 max_jumps = 0 initializer = random direction = rimwards } }

Add regular terraforming candidate modifier to targeted planet

effect add_modifier = { modifier = "terraforming_candidate" days = -1 }

Un-stick stuck archaeology dig site

Symptom: Scientist assigned, but it's stuck at 90 days. Open the site and:

effect archaeological_site = { set_site_progress_locked = no }

Filed in: #stellaris