
See planet size of targeted planet

trigger planet_size = trigger:planet_size

Find the biggest barren planet within your borders

Useful to decide what to use Azaryn's power on. If you want to find more, change the number in position = 0.

effect ordered_planet_within_border = { limit = { planet_size > 25 is_planet_class = pc_barren NOT = { has_modifier = "terraforming_candidate" } } position = 0 order_by = trigger:planet_size inverse = no set_variable = { which = Size_Of_Planet value = trigger:planet_size } custom_tooltip = "[This.GetName] is an Azaryn candidate, in system [This.System.GetName]" } }

Find hidden presapients in your empire

You may see the notification for Unspent Trait Points but be unable to find the species on your empire screen, nor on your species screen, nor on any of your colonies. This is because presapients on planets within your borders spawn the notification even if you do not have the body colonized, and they can even spawn on barren planets which hides the Population tab entirely.

Use this to find them (it is two lines – just paste in to the console):

effect space_owner = { every_planet_within_border = { limit = { is_colony = no } every_owned_species = { limit = { is_archetype = PRESAPIENT } custom_tooltip = "in system [Prev.System.GetName]
" } } }